Lasers Have Evolved!
Is it safe to have laser services during the summer? In the past, the answer to that question would be no, but lasers have evolved tremendously in the last five to seven years. The advanced technology in lasers has made many treatments safe to receive during the summer months. The safety of the treatment depends on the machine and the type of treatment. We are proud to have the latest in laser technology at Incentives Organic Spa and Salon.
Our state of the art medical grade Sciton Laser can safely and effectively perform services such as Laser Hair Removal and Skin Tyte all year round. This is made possible by the advanced BBL technology with a sapphire cooling system. There is minimal photo sensitivity after these treatments, and if you like, you can have both on the same day.
Laser Hair Removal is safe, easy, and relatively comfortable. You can experience the freedom of not having to shave or wax anymore!
Skin Tyte is the best, most organic way to address loss of collagen and elasticity in the skin. The treatment is very comfortable and effective. You will start to receive the best compliments on your skin and no one will be able to figure out exactly why you look so fabulous. It is a comprehensive treatment that addresses your neck, decollate, cheeks, mouth, periorbital, and forehead areas.
Call, stop in, or click the button today to book a complimentary consultation.