Trigger Point Therapy
For The Treatment Of Muscle Knots

Break The Cycle Of Pain
Whether you lift weights for a living or sit at your computer or desk for eight hours a day, you’re susceptible to getting muscle knots. A muscle knot is the lay term for what are also known as TRIGGER POINTS. These points are areas of spasm within a muscle, and occur when your muscle fibers cannot relax. They’re commonly found in sensitive points on the body such as the head, back and neck, as well as the trapezius muscle, a large muscle that extends from the base of your skull down your back and out to your shoulder.
Chemistry of a Knot
Muscle knots, aka Trigger Points, can be felt under the skin. They may be tender when touched or cause shortening of a muscle. The shortening may then cause limitation in the range of motion of the affected area (for example, in neck rotation). Trigger points may even irritate the nerves around them causing “referred pain”, or pain that is felt in another part of the body when the trigger point is touched.
How Does Trigger Point Therapy Work?
Trigger Point Therapy involves the process of inserting small needles directly into the patient’s trigger point or pain site area, injecting a holistic solution. This solution helps to break up the knot and the pain is alleviated. It essentially loosens muscle knots allowing improved blood flow to the chronically spasmodic areas. As a result, the areas begin to heal. As soon as the knots are relieved, there is often an immediate and remarkable reduction in pain, soreness and discomfort, as well as the beginning of long term relief. Injections are given in a patient’s room at Incentives Spa and usually take just a few minutes.
Trigger Point Therapy is used to treat many areas of the body, including:
• Shoulder Pain
• Tennis Elbow
• Muscular Chest Wall Pain
• Low Back Pain
• Sciatica
• Knee Pain
• Ankle Pain
In addition, Trigger Point Therapy can be used to treat fibromyalgia and tension headaches. The technique is also used to alleviate myofascial pain syndrome (chronic pain involving tissue that surrounds muscle such as muscle strain and chronic joint sprain) that does not respond to other treatments.
It’s time to get off the anti-inflammatory pills and medication and alleviate your pain once and for all! Call Incentives Spa at 631.893.3490 to book a consultation or appointment TODAY!
“Two years ago I was suffering with a frozen shoulder; I had little range of motion and was in constant pain. I had been going to physical therapy for over 3 months with little progress when I decided to give Trigger Therapy a try. It proved to be the turning point in my recovery. After my first treatment I was feeling less pain and within a month my range of motion had improved dramatically. Trigger Therapy allowed me to be more aggressive with my stretching and Physical Therapy exercises. I credit Trigger Therapy for helping me regain full range of motion of my shoulder.” – Donna W.
“I am a very active person and Trigger Point Therapy allows me to continue with the physical demands of my lifestyle. Without it I would have difficulty doing the things I love most, such as playing hockey and playing the guitar with my band. I have various over-use injuries in my body and Trigger Therapy releases the tightness, giving me full range of motion. Trigger Point Therapy combined with chiropractic care from Dr. Donna Brown keeps me feeling good by living pain free and enjoying everything I love!” – George V.
“I have struggled with chronic back and shoulder pain for quite some time. Although traditional methods like chiropractic care and physical therapy helped, it did not alleviate the knot pain in my muscles. The Trigger Point injections helped to break up the knots allowing my muscles to relax and improve the level of pain in those areas. Over time the pain in my back, neck and shoulder all decreased.” – Janet L.